So tonight I got one handle on and the profile finished up on another knife. Now to finish sharping the one and make the sheath, maybe I will make a video on how I make the sheath. Then profile the handle on the other knife tomorrow. I always have super glue around, I use it on the knives to fill natural cracks and holes in material like ironwood, it also comes in handy when I cut myself 🙂 .  However it never seems to stay shut, maybe if I glued it and then didn’t do anything else (yeah right). I also thought I would throw in some free advertising for Apple’s iPhone 🙂 maybe they will give me a free Mac book pro. lol I’m not holding my breath.  Remember to sign up for our E-mail updates so you can keep up with my progress and get in on special offers from time to time. Thank You,


See the apple logo in the blade?