This may seem silly to some, but many others can attest to the fact that carrying a knife could save your life! Now I went around many years not carrying a knife, and I am still alive. In fact I would guess most Americans don’t carry knives. Now I have heard many stories of how having a knife has saved people from could be harmful situations. The first thing that will come to most peoples mind is for self defense, but that is one of the last situations I am thinking of.

How about this the other day I heard of a story about a guy who’s children was jumping in one of those bouncy things, you know like they have at the fair. And a huge gust of wind came up and blew it over a fence into the road, children and all. Now fortunately a father who was carrying a knife jumped over the fence and cut the children free. Now who would ever guess that something like that would happen? And how long would it of took to get them children out had he not had his knife? Thankfully no one was badly hurt. But you can bet that father will never leave home with out his knife again.

Having a cutting tool is very important. My brother is a paramedic and one thing he always has on him is his scissors. He likes to cut pennies into corkscrews. His job requires him to be able to cut people free of trouble all the time. A cutting tool is a must for being prepared for everyday life. Sure you may have gotten by this long without a knife, but that doesn’t mean tomorrow you won’t find yourself in a situation that might have you saying, “man I wish I had a knife”. I really am not sure how many times I use my knife every day, but I would be willing to guess it is no less than 5 times a day on average. And probably closer to 20 times. I have found having a neck knife I use it far more that I would have ever used any other knife because it is just so readily available!
I would encourage you today to dig through your drawers and find that old knife and start carrying it! If you don’t have a knife, go to the store and buy you a good ten dollar knife, even one of those knife’s you put a razor blade in, just something to carry with you in case the need ever arises and you NEED it!

Thank You,