2015 Blade Show

I have been wanting to attend the Blade Show for the last several years but up until now it hasn’t worked out. This is both exciting and sad at the same time.  Sad because I will be taking the place of my good friend and mentor Bill Davis.

bill 3

Bill has been battling cancer for quite some time now, but like most older men I know they are tough! After losing my father in December, 2012 to cancer, it is hard to now watch Bill and his struggle with cancer. Bill suffered a stroke a little over a month ago but he didn’t let that slow him down unfortunately he had a second one that has really set him back.


I contacted the the Blade Show and all the tables were filled, knowing that Bill wasn’t going to be able to make it since he is currently in an assisted living until he can around better on his own. I asked if I could fill his table, both Bill and the Blade Show agreed that I could just this year. Since Bill has been attending the Blade Show for years he has a really good table right up in front! Table L1  See table setup here.

The last few years have been really difficult for Bill going to the hospital on sometimes a daily basis for treatment, making it difficult to get work done. I have decided that 10% of all sales up to and at the blade show will be donated to Bill to help cover any cost they may have. I would love your support either through your prayers or just helping tell others. And if you would like to send something directly to Bill you can do so through his Paypal account, his Paypal email address is eversharp4u@live.com

This donate button goes to my account but will be forwarded to Bill minus any paypal fees.

The last knives Bill completed where the Collaborative Knives we did together. Bill is a very giving man, he has spend endless hours helping me and asking nothing in return. I first went to Bill when working for the first time with Mammoth Tusk for Jack Spirko from The Survival Podcast.



There always seems to be someone in need of help, many times it is the people like Bill who you would never know, because they aren’t ones to ask for help. So I am asking on their behalf, I thank you for your help, be it a quick prayer, financial, or just helping spreading the word. Thank You!
