Murray Carter

Artist, Artisan, and The Craftsman

The Artist, Artisan, and The Craftsman?  This is a question I am still trying to answer. Which one am I?  “Why does it Matter” You ask. Simple, determining which one you are will prevent heartbreak, and failure. 
The Artist, this is someone who desperately needs to express themself in what ever they do. Willing to do what ever it takes, no matter the cost. The funny thing about an artist is most of the time they are broke doing what they are passionate about, few really appreciate what they are doing until […]
By |2017-01-09T22:31:46-06:00January 4th, 2012|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Artist, Artisan, and The Craftsman

The very first knife I ever Made was a Neck Knife! I was very Happy the way it turned out. It is a laminated blade, SS on the out side, blue super steel core. Easy to sharpen and will hold a keen edge for a long, long time.

The Second Knife I made is a Traditional […]

By |2017-01-09T22:31:58-06:00June 1st, 2010|Uncategorized|Comments Off on
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