Limited Edition Rangers

Wrapping up

Getting to the finial steps of the Limited Edition Rangers, I should have them all finished up hopefully this week or next. I am looking forward to starting some new knives and taking a short breather.


After the Handles have been epoxied on the next step is to cut the bolts flush and sand them flush, so the profile can be traced out and the excess cut off. Then final shaping is done on the grinder.


The lanyard hole pin is put in and then peened to give it a slight flair and a mechanical fastener component. Next step is to profile the handle.


The front of the handle will be sanded down to the bolster, and then I will also grind an hour glass figure to the handle allowing the handle to fit perfectly into the hand. This profile makes the handle perfectly fill the hand and the pinky to get a good wrap on the knife. The Butt of the knife being flared out helps as well to get a good purchase on the knife.



There is a strange one in there ^^^ ;D


After 100 knives of the same material, even as nice as it is sometimes it is nice to change things up a little bit. 😀 I have been waiting to see what this would look like on the handle. I know some people don’t like wild colors but what do you think of this one? I believe it is a Dyed Maple Burl, it has some fun colors, green, blue, and many more.

Shaping the handles has to be one of the most exciting parts, things really come together quickly. At the same time it is also nerve racking hoping you don’t mess it up at this stage in the game.


Keeping nice clean edges, I love to see a flawless fit & finish!


A nice coat of Tru Oil really makes the grains stand out!

I have posted several video of just about every step in the process to producing the Limited Edition Rangers. Here is the final video, be sure and check them all out and share them with your friends and family. I hope you find this inside look into my shop enjoyable.

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Sharpness Challenge Part 1


I am also starting a new YouTube series called Sharpness Challenge, where I will be taking your challenges and putting my knives to the test. The first one you can find here Sharpeness Challenge pt 1 I will be starting a new playlist for these and the next video I hope to have posted by the end of the week. I look forward to hearing your suggestions.

Once again, thank you for your interest in my work. Please feel free to leave a comment or suggestion in the comments below!

Stay Sharp