Six Years Ago My Knife Making Journey Began

Six years ago I was leaving my family and boarding a plane to fly across the USA for the first time to learn all that one can in a one week Intensive Bladesmithing Class. I was to make 3 knives in my first week, a neck knife, kitchen knife, and then design and make my first custom knife. And now I am getting ready to do it again this time not across the USA, just a few hours from home. But this time it will be a two week class. Six Years Ago

Learning Never Ends

People get wrapped up in who is the smartest, greatest, strongest, ect….. Life is a journey, and the learning should never stop. Learning should be fun, I will never know all there is to know about making knives, but I plan on giving it my best shot! 😀 Like any occupation out there, everyone is at a different stage in their career. Even Doctors are just “practicing”, I would stay away from one that has all the answers. I started a list tonight of all the topics of knife making I hope to cover in the near future and came up with two pages of topics. I was trying to figure out where to start, and finally I figured I would just tell you my story and where, and how I started. Who knows maybe I will save you Thousands of dollars, and many miles of travel! I will warn you, there is something satisfying about taking your hands, mind, and some raw material and creating a functional piece of art. You may find  yourself consumed in a new hobby and maybe a new career.

Inspire Others

You really never know how or what will inspire others, really my Journey started long ago, the first time I seen a man wielding electricity in his hand and with a flash, pooling steel, melting it together to repair my dad’s farm equipment. That was the spark that started it all. It is funny to look back now and realize, because of that, I learned to weld in High School. One of my first jobs was welding on grain elevators, all and all I spent over 7 years welding, before I went to school to become a Lineman (working on power lines) which I did for 7 years before I quit to make knives full time, almost 3 years ago. So pretty much I have been playing with steel, fire, and electricity most of my life. And the guy who inspired it all never had a clue. I love to hear from others who in some way, shape, or form I have inspired. It is really quite encouraging, and humbling at the same time.


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