Improving Daily

sharpening setup

While it is a very small thing, being organized really helps to be more efficient. So I finally got tired of digging through the pile of belts when sharpening, so I took a piece of scrap wood (some Bocote or something nice :D) that I had laying around and hammered a few nails in it, then screwed it to the wall. While not the best setup, still far better than what it was. It is funny how something little like this can make your work more enjoyable. A clean and organized shop (which mine is seldom but I am working on it) is so much nicer to work in! My shop is ever evolving, it is a lot of fun to see pictures of the different stages of my shop. I wish I had some pictures of how it all started. Maybe I will try to dig some up and take you along on the journey some day of the shop evolution! I am sure you can relate, what small things have you changed to make your work more enjoyable?

Shipping Day

shipping packages

Talking about being efficient, I would love to improve my packing, and shipping. It feels so good to see work going out but at the same time frustrating how much time it take when you are mailing 20 packages ( I know there are only 16 in the pic 😉 ) If you are doing something that takes even 5 minutes on 20 packages it really adds up in a hurry. I pretty much know it takes an entire day to ship this many packages. And every time it seems like just barely squeak in right before closing (the post ladies don’t really appreciate that ( I could do an entire post about how many things are wrong with that system but I will refrain) So on this particular day I chose to just hold off till the next day.

Private Reserve

I spent a lot of time this week wrapping up some of the final touches on the MTK Private Reserve. I am pretty excited about this program. I know there are several of you who are as well and there will be a few who are really going to be thankful once the giveaways start. I think the first one will be February 29th but I will keep you posted! If you haven’t already be sure to click the logo above to find out more about the MTK Private Reserve Also be sure and leave a comment with you feedback on how to make the program better or companies you would like to see included.  I had a great week and I hope you did as well! So until next week be sure to keep your knives sharp, and your mind too!